Hansi, Haryana

पांडवों के तोमरवंशीय शासकों ने यहॉ 1153 ईं. तक राज्य किया । इस काल में यहॉ भगवान पार्श्वनाथ व अन्य तीर्थंकरों के भव्य मंदिर थे । तुर्क लुटेरों से बचाने के लिये प्रतिमाओं को भूमिगत कर दिया गया । यहॉ किले से अष्टधातु की 57 अमूल्य प्रतिमाएँ प्राप्त हुई हैं । सभी प्रतिमाएँ 8वीं से 10वीं शताब्दी के बीच की होने का अनुमान है । 40 बडे आकार की व 17 छोटे आकार की मूर्तियाँ हैं । 19 प्रतिमाएँ भगवान पार्श्वनाथ की अति सुन्दर एवं मनोहारी हैं । प्राचीन बडा मंदिर 350 वर्ष पूर्व बना है । एक कांच का सुन्दर मंदिर भी है । नगर में तीन अन्य मंदिर भी है ।

Until 1153 Tomar decendants of Pandavas rules this place. There were many Jain temples at this place at that time. Further with the attacks from Turkistan, all the temples were demolished! To save the idols, they were burried into land. Recently durring excavations, 57 invaluable idols have been recovered from “Prithvi Raj Chauhan Fort”. All the idols are made from ‘Ashtadhatu’ 8 metals. All the idols belong to the 8th to 10th Century. 40 of these idols are large and 17 are smaller ones. All these idols have been installed in different temples in the City. Temples: 350 year old temple is the biggest and older of all the 4 temples here. “Kanch Mandir” Temple made of mirros is also worth see. There are 3 other temples.

How to reach:

By Bus:     Hansi Bus Stand -4km
By Train:     Hansi Railway Station -1km
By Air:     Delhi International Airport -150km

Nearby Places:

Ranila – 75 KM
Rohtak – 75 KM
Tijara – 200 KM



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