Jain Temple in Mahaveerji, Rajasthan – महावीर जी मंदिर

Jain Temple in Mahaveerji

Jain Temple in Mahaveerji – श्री महावीर जी मंदिर के निर्माण के पीछे सुंदर कथा है। ‘कुछ चार सौ साल पहले की बात है। एक गाय अपने घर से प्रतिदिन सुबह घास चरने के लिए निकलती थी और शाम को घर लौट आती थी। कुछ दिन बाद जब गाय घर लौटती थी तो उसके थन में दूध नहीं होता था। इससे परेशान होकर एक दिन उसके मालिक चर्मकार ने सुबह गाय का पीछा किया और पाया कि एक विशेष स्थान पर वह गाय अपना दूध गिरा देती थी। यह चमत्कार देखने के बाद चर्मकार ने इस टीले की खुदाई की। खुदाई में श्री महावीर भगवान की प्राचीन पाषाण प्रतिमा प्रकट हुई, जिसे पाकर वह बेहद आनंदित हुआ

Lord Mahaveera idol in Jain Temple in Mahaveerji

The idol of Bhagavan Mahavira in Jain Temple in Mahaveerji, is very ancient idol. This idol is of the nineteenth century found inside a nearby hill is serene, and beautiful. The appearing of this idol of Bhagavan Mahavira is related to a miracle. A tanner’s cow did not give milk. On looking for the reason, it was found that the cow used to go and stand on a hill and all her milk oozed out. The tanner had various doubts but the could not know the reason. At last when digging was done on the hill, an idol appeared. Hearing that an idol had appeared, worshippers enthusiastically came rushing from far and wide. By merely bowing their head to the idol, people had their wishes fulfilled. This splendid jain temple was, therefore, built and the idol was installed.

How to reach:

Road: Direct Busses  are available from various cities Jaipur, Ajmer, Kota, Alwer, Jodhpur, Bharatpur, Gwalior to mahaveerji jain temple.

Railway Station: Mahaveerji is Railway Station on Dehli Mumbai Railway line.
Airport: Jaipur.

Nearby Places:

Jaipur 140 KM.
Tijara 205 KM.
Mathura (Chaurasee) 145 KM.
Agra (Taj Mahal) 165 KM.

Other Jain Temple in Rajasthan



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